Paul Post Fund for Libraries

*Update: The Paul Post Fund will no longer accept applications for the remainder of 2024. The grant program will reopen in January 2025.

The goal of the Paul Post Fund is to support Vermont libraries to encourage and enhance reading by young adults.

What We Fund

The fund has a primary interest in literacy projects that will engage young people. While funds may be used for acquisitions, we hope a plan for their use will be included in any proposal.

Examples of projects that may be funded include:

  • acquisition of books, graphic novels, and e-Books for young adults that include plans for use beyond simply adding to the library’s collection
  • reading enrichment programs for young adults
  • seminars or workshops relating to reading, including author visits
  • small capital improvements for young adult or children’s sections of libraries

Who May Apply

Any school, municipal or public nonprofit library in the State of Vermont may apply to the Paul Post Fund.

All applicants to programs at the Vermont Community Foundation must meet these guidelines.

Grant Size

The Foundation will determine the number of grants to be awarded annually but expects that a typical grant will be in the $250-$1,000 range.

Deadline and Notification

The Paul Post Fund will no longer accept applications for the remainder of 2024. Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis beginning in January 2025. Applicants are notified of decisions within 60 days.

Application Process

Send your proposal as an email attachment of no more than two pages to Jane Mulcahy at

Include the following information in your proposal:

  • Name, address, and website for your library
  • Name, email address, and phone number of the contact person for your application
  • Amount requested (between $250 and $1,000)
  • Project narrative of no more than two (2) pages addressing the following:
    • Goal – what you hope to achieve
    • Problem – why it is important to do this work
    • Activities – what you will do during the project
    • Evaluation – how you will know you have succeeded
  • Itemized budget for project including expected income and expenses