Spark Connecting Community grants put building and nurturing community front and center. We aim to support emerging grassroots projects with the potential to build social capital—the connective tissue of our communities. Social capital can be described as the value developed from working together, connecting across differences, and sharing common place-based experiences. Higher levels of social capital are correlated with better health outcomes, higher educational achievement, increased civic engagement, and greater resilience—all of which help build community vitality.
This is a grant round for local champions who are collaborating with others; we want to help you turn your idea into a reality! This grassroots grantmaking model focuses on strengthening community connections that lead to action and impact. While we are looking to fund projects throughout Vermont, this year we will prioritize projects from under-represented counties in grantmaking. Spark applications from Essex, Grand Isle, and Franklin counties will receive priority consideration.
We are looking for projects where a small grant can make a big difference.
We want to collect stories and share them widely, to help create even more sparks that inspire more philanthropy.
Program Guidelines

What does the Spark grant program not support?
How will your application be evaluated?
Who is eligible to apply?
What size are the grants?
What is the grant term timeline?
Deadline and Notification Timeline
Application Process
Contact Us
Contact Us
With questions about the Spark Connecting Community grant program, please contact Jane Mulcahy.