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Find the best Vermont programs to give to based on your interests.

We would love to learn more about the causes that matter to you. Which three of these areas move you the most?

Choose three.

Arts & Culture

Entrepreneurship and Small Business Development

Climate, Environment, & Natural Resources

Democracy, Trust, & Community Leadership

College and Career Training

Child Care

Farms, Farming, & Food Security

Health, Wellbeing, & Human Services

Housing Development, Shelter, & Services

Human Rights (includes LGBTQ+, BIPOC, Women)

News, Public Information, & Libraries


Sports & Recreation

Youth Development Programs

Other (please also pick two more)

What inspires you to give?

Supporting local communities and projects

Contributing to the specific causes that I just shared

Creating a lasting legacy

Leveraging tax advantages

My inspiration is based on the need. I’m open to recs.

What’s your giving style?

I like to give spontaneously when I’m moved by a cause

I prefer setting up recurring donations

I enjoy being part of a community of givers (giving circles, etc.)

Planning major gifts that make a significant difference

Setting aside funds for future charitable activities

What level of involvement do you prefer in your philanthropy?

I like to make decisions about which nonprofits I support

I would like recommendations and suggestions about which organization or causes align with my interests and values

A mixture, I have ideas on where to give, but would also like help understanding community needs and nonprofit priorities

Considering your financial planning, which statement best describes your situation?

I'm looking for giving methods that provide tax benefits

I wish to donate cash or assets immediately

I'm looking to leave a legacy after my lifetime

I'd like to set up a fund that supports various causes over time

I have retirement assets with a required minimum distribution

Last question! What’s your name and email?

Giving Profile

Your profile is based on your interest in supporting , , and in Vermont.

Giving tools

Your top charitable goals focus on , , , and . Explore these existing VCF funds in those areas. In some cases, you can even give directly into the fund to start supporting this work right away!


You are most interested in giving to programs and initiatives relating to , , and . Consider donating to these existing funds in those areas.


Check out these resources to learn more.