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Philanthropic Leadership Fund

The fund that ensures we show up for Vermonters.

Onlookers watch a presentation at a VCF convened gathering.
blue filtered aerial of Vermont

Our Philanthropic Leadership Fund makes possible much of the work that goes beyond grantmaking, supporting activities that strengthen the field of giving and nonprofits in Vermont.


The Philanthropic Leadership Fund: Powering the impact of giving in Vermont


VCF’s Insight Hub: The go-to resource for philanthropic knowledge, tips, tools, and best practices to support donors, grant makers, and grant seekers in generating more impact through their philanthropic activities.


Responding to Disaster: Building the infrastructure necessary to react to urgent needs.


Designing New Strategies: Innovative approaches to support our place-based mission investment portfolio resulting in more than $20 million annually in Vermont housing, economic, and community development projects.


Serving Funders and Grant Seekers: Ensuring the Foundation’s staff can provide better service to fundholders and grantees, and significantly deepen and expand our service to Vermont over the next decade.


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Your contribution to the Philanthropic Leadership Fund makes us stronger. Thank you!

people gathering at VCF event

Here are some of the things supported by the Philanthropic Leadership Fund:

  • Peer learning sessions that inform and coordinate grantmakers for greater impact
  • Research that builds a shared understanding of pressing issues in Vermont
  • Development of new products that multiply the power of philanthropy and build the capacity of the nonprofit sector
  • Regional giving efforts that maximize the local impact of grants
  • Coordinated response efforts in times of community crisis
  • Funding of statewide projects that inspire greater giving and build social capital

Every year since 2006, generous individuals have made this work possible with an annual contribution to the Philanthropic Leadership Fund. If you’ve ever been inspired by what the Vermont Community Foundation does beyond making grants, chances are that the Philanthropic Leadership Fund was involved.

Your Contribution Matters

Consider a donation to the Philanthropic Leadership Fund today to keep the Vermont Community Foundation at the leading edge of leadership into the future. Click below and join the hundreds of committed donors supporting our roster of research, events, and advocacy efforts.

Already a VCF fundholder? We make it easy to support PLF annually with an automatic annual contribution – call and ask us how.

One of our hopes for the Philanthropic Leadership Fund is that in addition to supporting our work, it will encourage active and engaged participation in other forms: attending learning forums, joining others in grantmaking, volunteering, learning and sharing with one another ideas about how to make a difference in our communities – in short, Philanthropic Leadership.


Recent Leadership Work

  • The Insight Hub – Powered by the Vermont Community Foundation’s experience and research, and informed by the lived experience of Vermonters, the Insight Hub offers webinars, events, briefs, and peer-to-peer experiences that help philanthropists understand where their giving can make a difference in Vermont.
  • Community Conversations – Conversations have addressed topics ranging from Faith & Philanthropy, Substance Use Disorder, Mission Investing, and Career Pathways.
  • COVID-19 Learning Sessions – Held with fundholders, professional advisors, and the Vermont Funders Network, these calls—featuring nonprofit leaders from around the state—have provided robust conversation about the challenges Vermonters are facing and how philanthropy can make an impact on the effects of COVID-19 in Vermont.

Disaster Response

  • Responding to the disastrous impacts of flooding in Vermont through the VT Flood Response & Recovery Fund.
  • Responding to COVID-19 – This fund and website serves as a resource to the response and long-term pandemic recovery efforts in Vermont.
  • Responding to Tropical Storm Irene – This fund and website served as a resource for philanthropists to aid in the recovery from the 2011 storm.

Thank you for considering a donation and for making our work possible!

No gifts to the Vermont Community Foundation shall directly or indirectly subject the Vermont Community Foundation to a prohibited material restriction as defined by federal law. All gifts are subject to a federally required amendment or variance power that permits the Vermont Community Foundation to vary from the terms and conditions of agreements with donors relative to the purpose, investment, and management of its funds subject to the procedural requirements of Vermont state law. In practice, the Foundation uses this variance power rarely and only if the needs of the community have shifted. The Foundation will be in communication with donors should such a shift occur.