Planned Giving 101 Resources
Stay tuned! This content will be added to our new website soon.
Services Overview
Explore our giving tools and services
Donor Advised Funds
Create a giving account—support the causes you care about most
Legacy Giving
Secure your impact for future generations through estate planning
Mission Investing
Invest in Vermont projects that reflect your values
Nonprofit Funds
Ensure lasting support for your mission-driven organization
Other Ways to Give
Explore other types of charitable funds and ways to make a difference
Your Impact
Learn about our fundholders and the difference they make
Impact Stories
Read how your grants impact the community around you
Donor Stories
Read how other donors have made a difference
Reports + Publications
View our latest annual report (and more)
Give Now to Existing Funds
Contribute to the VCF's programs in real-time
Strategic Initiatives
From immediate disaster response to our systemic work closing the opportunity gap
The Opportunity Gap
No one should be held back by their zip code, income level, the color of their skin, or any aspect of their identity
People + Places Funds
Supporting a variety 
of regions, communities, and people
 in Vermont
Philanthropic Leadership Fund
Supporting the work that goes beyond grant-making to strengthen Vermont's philanthropic network
Crisis + Disaster Giving
Helping Vermonters
through disasters and developing strategies to mitigate future devastation
Supporting Organizations
Our partners play a crucial role in childcare, youth programs, and education and training for promising jobs
About Us
About the Vermont Community Foundation
Financials + Investments
Diverse investments and expert management
Our Team
Blending small-town charm with big-hearted philanthropy
Join our dedicated team of Vermonters
News + Announcements
Stay connected with our latest news and announcements
Contact + Directions
Where to find us and how to reach us
Services Overview
Explore our giving tools and services
Donor Advised Funds
Create a giving account—support the causes you care about most
Legacy Giving
Secure your impact for future generations through estate planning
Mission Investing
Invest in Vermont projects that reflect your values
Nonprofit Funds
Ensure lasting support for your mission-driven organization
Other Ways to Give
Explore other types of charitable funds and ways to make a difference
Your Impact
Learn about our fundholders and the difference they make
Impact Stories
Read how your grants impact the community around you
Donor Stories
Read how other donors have made a difference
Reports + Publications
View our latest annual report (and more)
Give Now to Existing Funds
Contribute to the VCF's programs in real-time
Strategic Initiatives
From immediate disaster response to our systemic work closing the opportunity gap
The Opportunity Gap
No one should be held back by their zip code, income level, the color of their skin, or any aspect of their identity
People + Places Funds
Supporting a variety 
of regions, communities, and people
 in Vermont
Philanthropic Leadership Fund
Supporting the work that goes beyond grant-making to strengthen Vermont's philanthropic network
Crisis + Disaster Giving
Helping Vermonters
through disasters and developing strategies to mitigate future devastation
Supporting Organizations
Our partners play a crucial role in childcare, youth programs, and education and training for promising jobs
About Us
About the Vermont Community Foundation
Financials + Investments
Diverse investments and expert management
Our Team
Blending small-town charm with big-hearted philanthropy
Join our dedicated team of Vermonters
News + Announcements
Stay connected with our latest news and announcements
Contact + Directions
Where to find us and how to reach us
Stay tuned! This content will be added to our new website soon.