When we strengthen connections between neighbors, build institutions that people trust, and develop processes that are accessible, we increase the chance that we can work together to provide opportunity for all residents.
Engaging in Decision-making and Democracy
Broad participation in democratic institutions–whether through leadership or bringing a range of viewpoints–ensures that decisions have credibility and equitably serve community needs.
- Pilot projects supporting new approaches to 21st-century governance and public engagement
- Projects supporting regional efforts to promote stronger communities
- Skill-building for participation in decision-making processes, for both leaders and participants
Building Trust and Social Connection
Hyper-local journalism, physical and virtual spaces for people to gather, and improved access to local decision-makers are among the factors that establish trust and connect us as neighbors, even when we come to the table with different perspectives.
- Projects that create spaces and reasons for people to gather, particularly opportunities that are free and build connection across differences
- Improved connection and access to local decision-makers and local officials
- Hyper-local journalism that provides credible, relevant information
Developing Strong, Skilled, Representative Community Leaders
Through skill building, leadership training, a strong sense of safety and inclusion, and youth engagement, we can move toward leadership that is representative of the communities being served.
- Skill building and support for local officials across municipalities of all sizes
- Leadership training programs and other on-ramps to engage and support new local leaders
- Youth engagement in local government and other community leadership opportunities
Exploring Innovations in Democracy
Today’s challenges require bold leadership, collaboration, and systems that support them. By exploring new approaches to elections, voting, budgeting, and government, we ensure that our institutions evolve and serve us in the 21st century.
- Engaging a range of candidates
- Discussing Vermont’s election and budgeting cycles
- Revisiting our state’s choice to have a part-time, unstaffed, citizen legislature
- Examining which local government positions are best appointed or hired vs elected
Talk with a Philanthropic Advisor today.
By contributing to our democracy, trust and leadership fund, or by making a grant through a donor advised fund, we can broaden our impact to make an even bigger difference.