Our People

Office of the President


For media inquiries or information about publications.

Dawn Archambault-Perry

Dawn Archambault-Perry

Brand & Marketing Officer
darchambaultperry@vermontcf.org 802-388-3355 ext. 246
Zoe Pike

Zoe Pike

Communications Manager
zpike@vermontcf.org 802-388-3355 ext. 285
Felipe Rivera

Felipe Rivera

Chief of Staff and Vice President for Strategy & Communications
frivera@vermontcf.org 802-388-3355 ext. 243
Molly Walsh

Molly Walsh

Research & Insight Officer
mwalsh@vermontcf.org 802-388-3355 ext. 264

Community Philanthropy

For questions about establishing a fund with the Community Foundation.

Lydia Brownell

Lydia Brownell

Senior Fund Manager
lbrownell@vermontcf.org 802-388-3355 ext. 227
Emilye Pelow Corbett, CAP®

Emilye Pelow Corbett, CAP®

Senior Philanthropic and Planned Giving Advisor
epelowcorbett@vermontcf.org 802-388-3355 ext. 230
Alyssa DeBella

Alyssa DeBella

Donor Impact Specialist
adebella@vermontcf.org 802-388-3355 ext. 182
Stacie Fagan

Stacie Fagan

Vice President for Philanthropy
sfagan@vermontcf.org 802-388-3355 ext. 252
Jenn Hansen

Jenn Hansen

Gift Processing Specialist
jhansen@vermontcf.org 802-388-3355 ext. 295
Ruth Henry, CAP®

Ruth Henry, CAP®

Senior Philanthropic Advisor
rhenry@vermontcf.org 802-388-3355 ext. 280
Elisabeth Marx, CAP®

Elisabeth Marx, CAP®

Senior Philanthropic Advisor
emarx@vermontcf.org 802-388-3355 ext. 241
Martha Trombley Oakes, CAP®

Martha Trombley Oakes, CAP®

Director of Philanthropy
mtrombleyoakes@vermontcf.org 802-388-3355 ext. 225

Grants and Community Impact

For questions about our grantmaking and community engagement work.

Jennifer duToit Barrett

Jennifer duToit Barrett

Director of Grants
jbarrett@vermontcf.org 802-388-3355 ext. 222
Evelyn Gearty

Evelyn Gearty

David Rahr Community Philanthropy Program Assistant Fellow
egearty@vermontcf.org 802-388-3355 ext. 378
Austin Haynes

Austin Haynes

Grants Coordinator for Donor-Initiated Funds
ahaynes@vermontcf.org 802-388-3355 ext. 233
Laurie Kozar

Laurie Kozar

Director of Allocations
lkozar@vermontcf.org 802-388-3355 ext. 276
Kate McCarthy

Kate McCarthy

Senior Program Officer
kmccarthy@vermontcf.org 802-388-3355 ext. 234
Holly Morehouse

Holly Morehouse

Vice President for Grants and Community Impact
hmorehouse@vermontcf.org 802-388-3355 ext. 278
Jane Mulcahy

Jane Mulcahy

Program Associate for Grantmaking
jmulcahy@vermontcf.org 802-388-3355 ext. 381
Kate Neubauer

Kate Neubauer

Program Officer for Community & Environment
kneubauer@vermontcf.org 802-388-3355 ext. 250
Karen Scott

Karen Scott

Grants Coordinator for Strategic Partnerships
kscott@vermontcf.org 802-388-3355 ext. 267


For questions about accounting and finances.

Abigail Meyer

Abigail Meyer

Director of Investments
ameyer@vermontcf.org 802-388-3355 ext. 224
Barry Pius

Barry Pius

Vice President for Finance
bpius@vermontcf.org 802-388-3355 ext. 384
Jeffrey Smith

Jeffrey Smith

Senior Accountant
jsmith@vermontcf.org 802-388-3355 ext. 275
Maddy VanderVoort

Maddy VanderVoort

Staff Accountant
mvandervoort@vermontcf.org 802-388-3355 ext. 291

Operations and Administration

Jake Gardner

Jake Gardner

Director of Information Technology
jgardner@vermontcf.org 802-388-3355 ext. 180
Anna Grady

Anna Grady

Vice President for Operations and Administration
agrady@vermontcf.org 802-388-3355 ext. 383
Amy Jean Immen

Amy Jean Immen

People and Operations Generalist
aimmen@vermontcf.org 802-388-3355 ext. 262
Cait LaVerne-Lily

Cait LaVerne-Lily

Development and Administrative Coordinator
clavernelily@vermontcf.org 802-388-3355 ext 235
Heather Seeley

Heather Seeley

Senior Payroll and Benefits Specialist
hseeley@vermontcf.org 802-388-3355 ext. 279

The Vermont Women’s Fund

A component fund of the Community Foundation. For questions, please contact:

The J. Warren & Lois McClure Foundation

A supporting organization of the Community Foundation. For questions, please contact:

Carolyn Weir, CAP®

Carolyn Weir, CAP®

Executive Director
cweir@vermontcf.org 802-388-3355 ext. 239

The Curtis Fund

A supporting organization of the Community Foundation. For questions, please contact:

Lauren Philie

Lauren Philie

Executive Director
lphilie@vermontcf.org 802-388-3355 ext. 237

Board of Directors


Kathy Austin (Treasurer)

Kathy Austin (Treasurer)

Laurie Beyranevand

Laurie Beyranevand

Tim Briglin

Tim Briglin

Kristin Carlson (Secretary)

Kristin Carlson (Secretary)

Cindy Char

Cindy Char

Nicole Curvin

Nicole Curvin

Lindsay DesLauriers

Lindsay DesLauriers

Mark Foley, Jr. (Vice Chair)

Mark Foley, Jr. (Vice Chair)

Dimitri Garder

Dimitri Garder

Richard Holschuh

Richard Holschuh

Spencer Knapp (Chair)

Spencer Knapp (Chair)

Allyson Laackman

Allyson Laackman

Out of State
Alexandra MacLean

Alexandra MacLean

West Danville
Tammy Newmark

Tammy Newmark

New Haven
John Vogel

John Vogel
