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Making a Difference

A Vermont woman expands her giving through a donor advised fund at the Vermont Community Foundation

A woman in a fluffy cardigan stands on the shoreline.

“It’s important to me to give in ways that help families thrive, both in terms of the basics and in ways that lift the spirit through the arts or by connecting with nature.” – Marilyn Bridger

Explore the inspiring story of Marilyn Bridger, a dedicated philanthropist who expanded her charitable efforts through a donor-advised fund at the Vermont Community Foundation. From her early days volunteering with her family to her impactful estate planning, Marilyn’s journey showcases how thoughtful giving can create lasting positive change. Her story is a testament to the power of strategic philanthropy in supporting families, the arts, and environmental conservation.

Inspired by this story of neighbors helping neighbors?

Consider opening a donor advised fund to support the causes you care about most.

An outdoor performance with Lake Champlain in the background. Artists on a stage.